Monday, October 11, 2004

Glazed Apathetic Leash

Came across this line in a 10,000 Maniacs video the other day. Suddenly a spark went off inside me. I suffer from Glazed Apathetic Leash syndrome. I have a leash that I continually bind myself with. Apathy kills almost everything in the end and I keep binding my soul with it. I just don't care half the time because it is easier not to. And I glaze my bindings with that ease. Isn't it interesting how often we create our own bondage. Like little masochists, we take our lives and bind them in apathy then complain about how mundane they are. After a while, we don't even complain, we program apathy into our world. Whether the glazing on our leashes is the internet, or television, or movies, we slowly begin to pull our choker chain tighter until we sit in an old folks home with a pulse, but not heart, a body, but no soul.

7-Foot Robot Used in Black Sea Expedition

Found this fascinating. A robot with pressure sensitivity, a possible link to Noah, and an underwater mystery. Who could ask for anything more? How long before we are using robots to delve the depths of the Marianas Trench, etc to truly know our world.

Yahoo! News - 7-Foot Robot Used in Black Sea Expedition

Friday, October 08, 2004

Thinner and a Positive Outlook

I feel thin. Not physically, certainly, I have a ways to go if I am to ever be labeled that way. Rather I feel spiritually thin. Like I have become wane in my soul. I don't appear to have the passion I once had.

However, I saw a movie recently that I think will help me recover that density of soul. What the bleep do we know was absolutely fascinating to me. I love the idea presented in the movie about creating your day. Every day, when you wake up, create the entire day. Look for ways that your creation exists and act upon it. This is helping me to find a piece of myself each day. Soon I hope to have a whole me. When I get there, perhaps I will find my passion and pursue it with gusto.

Find yours.