Monday, September 13, 2004

High Blood Pressure

Saw my trainer today. He gave me a bit of a hard time about not having been in the gym for three weeks. I went yesterday for the first time, didn't have too bad a workout. But my blood pressure is still high and I am feeling my workout today. The good news is that my hiatus managed to lose me a pound net. Pretty good, considering I wasn't doing any cardio. Still this damn BP thing is killing me. Possibly literally. I don't eat a lot of salt in my diet, I am trying like mad to get my weight down and I have increased my veggie and fruit intake. Still, no movement. I felt that when I was at 242, high BP was understandable and that I needed to get the weight down. Now I am at 228 and still am running 140/90. I understand the move, etc is going to stress me a bit, but I always had low BP, not high. So I will hit the gym again tonight, see if I can't burn some more calories. My Chipotle Barbacoa Burrito especially. In my defense, it was all I had to eat today.


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